IQAC Activities

Kha Manipur College, Kakching

The IQAC organizes the following as a routine programme
i)     Conduct of Internal Examinations twice a year
ii)    Observance of important State, National and International days:

  • National Youth Day on January 12
  • National Science Day on February 28
  • International Women’s Day on March 8
  • World Water Day on March 22
  • World Health Day on April 7
  • Earth Day on April 22
  • World No Tobacco Day on May 31
  • World Environment Day on June 5
  • International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26
  • Patriots’ Day on August 13 (State)
  • Teachers’ Day on September 5
  • United Nation Day on October 24
  • Indian Constitution Day on November 26
  • Human Rights Day or (Nobel Lecture Series) on December 10

iii)     Encouragement Faculty members to participate in Orientation/Refresher Courses/FDPs/Seminars/
         Workshops and Conferences

iv)     Organisation of Quizzes/Debate/Extempore Speeches/Mock Test/Viva Voce/Recitation Competitions
v)      Preparation of Academic Calendar in consultation with heads of all departments
vi)     Co-ordination with various clubs/Functionaries/NCC/NSS Units of the college
vii)    Co-ordination with important committees like Admission Committee, Examination Committee,
          College Development Committee etc. in all developmental matters
viii)   Contact with local people, alumni, parents and other stakeholders

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